Jay Abraham - Chet Holmes - PEQ II - (Performance Enhancement Quotient)
Language: English | 26 MP3,1 PDF | 1.89 GB
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If you are doing offline consulting or own or manage a business, this may be one of Jay and Chets most compelling programs.
Thisis the MP3 presentation. I have included a pitch letter/worksheet thatwalks through the entire program (and reinforces in the readers mindabout how much they DONT know, even when its spelled out for them).Read that first if you are hesitant¦but from what I have heard so far,this is well worth the effort.
Heres the pitch:
Jay Abraham Wealth Building Seminar
AdvancedPEQ (Performance Enhancement Quotient) workshop conducted by masters ofbusiness growth Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes. It also features a panelof the leading sales and marketing consultants in business today.
This intensive four day live event was held on February 20 “ 25, 2002.
Attendees paid $15,000 each and unanimously agreed that it was Jays best program “ ever.
ThePEQ 2 event was recorded and subsequently merchandized for $5,000 asthe ultimate business/marketing self-study program available on themarket. Unfortunately, it was only offered in limited quantities andsold out quickly. There is a different DVD for each key subject, so youcan go over and over the appropriate sections and topics, privately orwith your staff in intimate detail, as required. This program is indexedby title so you can easily access the exact segments and their specificcontent.
For example: If you really need help on the sales process,you can go right to that module. Or if you really need help on timemanagement, its clearly marked, etc¦
Everything is spelled out and organized for ease of access.
Here is a list of the 19 DVD :
Training Sessions
01.Introduction To PEQ Workshop
02.Chet Holmes “ How To Create Growth Through Training
03.Chet Holmes “ Strategies vs. Tactics And Core Stories
04.Chet Holmes “ Creating Your Core Story
05.Jay Abraham “ Strategy of Preeminence Strategic Alliances
06.Chet Holmes “ Strategies and Tactics To Get Clients
07.Dan ODay “ Radio Advertising
08.Chet Holmes “ How To Hire Superstars!
09.Jay Abraham “ Three Ways To Grow Your Business
10.Winton Churchill “ Using Contact Management Software To Get & Keep Clients
11.David Dean “ Winning on the Internet
12.Chet Holmes “ The Six Steps To Time Management
13.Chet Holmes “ Ten Traits of Over-Achievers
14.Chet Holmes “ Effective Presentation Skills
15.Chet Holmes “ How The Brain Works & The Power of Goals
16.Jay Abraham “ Headlines That Sell!
17.Bob Chesney “ Digital Marketing and Training Ideas
18.Chet Holmes & Jay Abraham “ The Biggest Breakthroughs
19.Chet Holmes & Jay Abraham “ Core Story Examples
Gothrough the entire experience as if you were there, getting the samewows? that everyone else got and watch as Chet and Jay hit homerunafter homerun. In the comfort of your own home or office, be shiftedinto the homerun zone yourself, as you learn nearly 50 systematic newways to take your business higher.
Nothing Else Holds The Impact This Set Does For You
JayAbraham has sold a lot of training programs in his career, from theoriginal $15,000 and $20,000 Protege-Mentor Training events, to the$5,000 MasterMind marketing set, the $40,000 Club 48,? the $5,000 eX!Factor Program, the Million Dollar Summit, the Quantum Leap Program, theMarket Domination Program, and the Billion Dollar Internet SuperSummit. He can honestly say that none of those have the essential impacton your business that this one does.
Fifty of Jays biggest buyers “the people who paid $15,000 per company to attend the PEQ event “ liveon Feb. 20-25, 2002 all agreed that the PEQ brought everything together!None of Jays other past programs explain the system, the processes,the procedures, the action plans, the questions, the answers, theworkshops, the nuts and bolts of how to implement, what to execute,systematize and how to sustain a proactive operating system to driveyour continuous success using his greatest marketing methods. With thisfinal piece of the puzzle “ this amazingly actionable piece “ in yourpossession,
there is no reason your business cant double, re-doubleagain, and double again and again in the years to come “ no matter thecompetition or state of the economy.
Double, Redouble, Then Double Again
ChetHolmes has a history of doubling and redoubling every company hes everrun. He has a history of growing the profits of every company he evercounseled long-term by many multiples of 100%. This is the best of bothworlds. Its the final inch? that will drive home all the wonderfulmarketing education youve been given in the past, and forge for you theintegrated operating system youve always wished you had working inyour company.
100% Of The 50 Participants Agreed: It Was More Than Worth the $15,000 Investment
Everyone of the people in that room on Sunday felt that the $15,000 thatthey spent was probably the best investment in their business andthemselves theyve made all year.
This rare set normally sellsfor $5,000, without having to pay for travel, hotel, or lost time out ofthe office but youve just saved a bundle by buying it here. And itsre-re hearable over and over again until you turn every idea, everystrategy and every action step into an integral part of your businessprocess from today forward.
P.S. “ Armed with the PEQ Home StudyProgram, it is virtually impossible for your company not to dominate,not to expand, and not to excel in every form of financial, andcompetitive business endeavor you choose to pursue “ not just now, butwell into the future.
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