Michael Atma - Local Adwords Goldmine: Get Paid To Do Google Adwords For Local Clients
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Genre: eLearning
Watch How I Make $250+ a Month Recurring Running Google Adwords For Offline Clients and How You Can Do The Same!
Tosucceed with Adwords for local business, you do need special training.You need to be one of the best at what you do, like youve been doing itfor years¦ and ready to kick some serious butt in the marketplace!Getready to enjoy getting paid to do Google Adwords for Local Brick andMortar Business and enjoy building a REAL online business like youvenever experienced before¦
So heres the scoop¦ everyone who isinto local business marketing, whether you already have clients or not,or whether you already do Adwords or not, should be adding this serviceto your offline toolkit!
If you arent using it then you are leaving piles of cash on the table!
Notonly that¦ but if you dont offer it to your clients, then someone elsewill¦ and believe me when someone else gets their hands on your clientaccount by running Adwords for them, which some customers can spendthousands a dollars a month on, then that gives them massive POWER toinfluence their decisions.
Wouldnt you rather have that power and influence
How Does This Proven System Work
Heres whats included:
Justin case you not familiar with Google Adwords Ill show you what it is,how it works and what the benefits of it are to a local business¦ youcan use these benefits to CONVERT prospects to clients.
Youll learnEXACTLY how to set up Adwords campaigns the right-way for local businessclients¦ get this wrong and your campaigns are doomed from the start.
Illwalk you through how to create Adwords accounts for your clients, howto activate them, and the best way to keep track of them for EASE ofmanagement.
The BEST way to choose the right keywords to target customers for your clients.
Discoverhow to write ATTENTION GETTING ADS that get clicked on by browsers¦ andthe 3 things every ad needs to ensure maximum positioning and minimumcost-per-click.
The ONLY 2 places you will ever need to go to toethically SPY on your clients competitors campaigns¦ this is awesomefor reverse engineering campaigns.
Discover how to ACCURATELY measure your performance and get the best possible results for your clients.
Ill walk you through the ONLY way to structure billing so that you are guaranteed to ALWAYS GET PAID IN ADVANCE!
Illwalk you through how to set-up a Master Account that allows you tocontrol ALL your clients from one location this really makes managingcampaigns a BREEZE!
Im even going to give you a BEHIND-THE-SCENESlook at one of my Master Accounts¦ Ill show you in real-time how what Ido to tweak it so that it only needs a few minutes monitoring eachweek.
Youll also discover 5 different ways you can make money fromdoing PPC for Offline Clients¦ heres a hint, this can increase theWALLET share of your client 10-FOLD!
Youre also going to be given all the CLIENT GETTING strategies youll ever need to build a 5-figure a month Adwords business...
AndYES, I will hold your hand and walk you through the ENTIRE PROCESS formbeginning to end with 12 over-the-shoulder step-by-step videos thatleave nothing out¦
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